Sam Huszczo SGH Wealth Management InvestmentNews

Advisor propelled by social media ‘superpower’

Josh Welsh | InvestmentNews | May 13th, 2024

Sam Huszczo InvestmentNews

InvestmentNews Awards 2024, Advisor of the Year (Midwest region): Sam Huszczo, SGH Wealth Management.

Before becoming a financial advisor, Sam Huszczo was going to have an entirely different career. With an economics major under his belt, the founder of Michigan, Detroit-based SGH Wealth Management had a position lined up with the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, DC.

However, his would-be boss got fired, causing the Bureau of Labor to reassess his employment. Huszczo now considers that a blessing in disguise. “I don’t know where I’d be today,” he says.

Indeed, he has a lot to be thankful for after his firm grew 32 percent over the past year. It’s an achievement recognized by him being named an InvestmentNews Awards 2024 Excellence Awardee, with the winners announced on June 20 at 583 Park Avenue, New York in a glitzy, red-carpet ceremony. Click here to register to attend.

According to a recent Schwab survey, Huszczo said, the average firm gets 6 percent of their new business from social media sources. In the case of SGH Wealth Management, they’ve achieved over 70 percent.

“That’s really our superpower right now,” he highlights.

Since becoming a financial advisor, he’s served as President at the CFA Society of Detroit, making him the second youngest president in the organization’s history. Huszczo has made it his personal responsibility to help educate the future generation of financial planners take a substantive path in the field, as he highlights the average employee age is 25 years old.

Reflecting on the second half of his career, Huszczo is thinking about legacy and growth, adding his firm is going to be preeminent and at the forefront as older advisors retire,

‘If I can collect all the future of finance people to take over that changing of the guard, we’re positioned to be in a really interesting spot right now,” Huszczo says.