The MoneyShow Orlando featuring Sam Huszczo, CFP, CFA: Coming Oct. 19th, 2024
MoneyShow | June 12th, 2024
The first half of 2024 has featured new highs for stocks, powerful moves in the commodities market, and actionable developments in
precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and real estate. But with a presidential election looming, plus questions about interest rates and currencies percolating, it remains to be seen how the rest of the year will shake out. Not to mention 2025. What IS certain: You’ll have access to experts with centuries of combined market experience at the MoneyShow/TradersEXPO Orlando. They’ll come ready with the insights, strategies, and recommendations you need to maximize your profits and income, while minimizing your risks.
Plus, you’ll learn about new strategies and investments in virtually every asset class and market available. That includes options, commodities, and newly resurgent cryptocurrencies. You’ll have the chance to meet and talk markets with analysts, money managers, and strategists you’d otherwise only see on television or online. And you’ll get to swap tips – and make lasting friendships – with hundreds of your fellow investors.
- Find out How to Capitalize on Cutting-Edge Tech Sector Trends
- Learn to Navigate Shifts in the Economy for Maximum Profit
- How Political Shifts in Washington Could Impact Your Investments
- Boost the Income Your Portfolio Spins Off with New Recommendations
- Meet and Interact with Several Top Money Experts—LIVE & in Person
- Walk Away with Dozens of Money-Saving Ideas & Picks
DataMining for Perfection: The Academics vs. The Practitioners
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 am – 11:15 am
Which is more important when it comes to investment strategy: THEORY or EXECUTION? Should you pay more attention to academics or practitioners? Typically, the philosophical, hypothetical, over-idealized, data-mined, impractical investment research that attracts so many investors because of its complexities never pans out when live “bullets are flying” in the markets. At times, this research can turn out to be purely ornamental and just a means to sell product. In this session, Sam will cover what really works best instead. He’ll discuss both applicable research studies and PRACTICAL ways to improve your investing results. Don’t miss out!
About the Speaker
Sam G. Huszczo, CFP, CFA, is the founder of one of America’s fastest-growing firms of 2024, ranked by InvestmentNews and listed on Investopedia’s “100 Most Influential Financial Advisors.” His primary responsibilities include investment strategy, portfolio management, and research. Highly integrated with the CFA Institute, Mr. Huszczo served as President of the CFA Society of Detroit, which resulted in him winning the CFA Institute North American Volunteer of the Year. He is seen as a highly credible source by the national media, with appearances on CNBC Squawk Box, Bloomberg ETF IQ, and Fox News’ Claman Countdown, amongst many more.
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